Saturday 31 March 2018

Friday 30 March 2018

Thursday 29 March 2018

Hairstyles Causing Hair loss In Women (Edges & Nape) | Traction Alopecia...

This video is hairstyles and over-styling that causes traction alopecia.  Please let me know if you like this video!

Living With Alopecia | HeyThereImShannon

This video is Hey TherelmShannon's alopecia story.  It had over 1 million. I hope you will learn something from this video.  Please let me know!

Weave Making Black Women Permanently Bald #TeamNoEdges

This video is good if you want to understand the importance of keeping your Afro hair healthy.  Let me know if you like this video!


This video is about Emily's story about her alopecia. This is very good because we can learn something from her story!  Please let me know if this is useful!

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections at Hair Restoration Specialists of...

This video is about another procedure called Platelet Rich Plasma to restore hair loss.  So check it out and please let me know if you like this video!

New Treatment May Regrow and Thicken Hair Without Surgery

This video is another PRP treatment,  It gives you an option if you are thinking of having a hair transplant!  Please let me know if you like this video!

Dr. Timothy Jochen Explains Alopecia Causes and Treatments

This video is very good if you want to understand what alopecia is and the causes.  this video will explain briefly the hair growth cycle so you have a little background in hair growth!  Please let me know if you like it!


I hope you will enjoy these funny quotes!

Can we place transplanted hair in between natural hair to increase densi...

This video explains is very useful if your hair is thinning and you want to have a hair transplant!  Please let me know if you like it!

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Reason for poor growth after a hair transplant

This video is very important for people who are thinking of having a hair transplant because it has more information especially if the hair does not grow as expected!  Let me know if this was useful by leaving a comment!

A hair transplant in the UK can cost anywhere between £1,000 and £30,000, depending on the extent of hair loss, the type of procedure you have, and the quality of the clinic and its team.

Hair Transplant Costs – The Full Story

In our years of extensive experience in dealing with questions and enquiries about hair transplant procedures, we’ve certainly learned that one of the first questions prospective patients have is ‘what is the cost of a FUE hair transplant?’
The cost of a procedure is dependent on many factors including the overall complexity of the case and ‘individual hair characteristics’ including the amount of hair to transplant to achieve the patient’s desired result. The planning of the procedure needs to include a review of potential for further loss and how best to use the available donor hair for the patient’s lifetime.
For this reason, those enquiring about hair transplantation prices and procedures are invited to our Harley Street Hair Clinic for a one-to-one personal consultation with a specialist to assess everything properly. Every head of hair is different and every case unique, but you don’t need to be on a football star’s salary to afford a full head of hair.

Our FUE Hair Transplant cost guidelines

We were one of the first clinics to provide a hair transplant graft calculator in order to give a general or approximate idea and provide a reasonable estimate of costs based on the area to be treated – with a guide to the number of grafts required.
Our cost guidelines work alongside our graft calculator to give you an estimated cost dependant on your type of hair loss and how many grafts you will need.
Male Pattern Hair Loss 1
1500/1200£3,000 – £5,000
11200/2880£5,000 – £9,000

Male Pattern Hair Loss 2
11200/3000£5,000 – £9,000
23000/7000£8,000 – £15,000

Eyebrow Hair Loss
1200/450£3,000 – £5,000
1/2400/900£5,000 – £9,000

The True Cost of Hair Transplantation

We know that there is a lot more to the real issue of costs than just the price of the hair transplant. Asking about hair transplant costs is really only the first stage of trying to assess all of the costs, factors, and values, involved.
The fact is that the real costs are a balance of many factors. There are costs in not having a transplant. Additionally, there are often certain bonuses beyond just appearance alone in getting a transplant that affects the ‘cost’.

Black Man Hair Transplant Surgery | Black Hair Loss Treatment (Brandon)

This is Branden who started losing his hairline when he was 22 years old.  So here is his hair transplant journey.

Hair Transplant Before And After | Black Male

This is a hair transplant for black men.  The client says the dreadlocks affected his hairline to recede so he is now having a hair transplant.  He is very happy with the results. 

Monday 26 March 2018

NATURAL HAIR| 1 Month Hair transplant update.

This video is another transplant treatment result after a month.  The lady is happy so it's great to see the scar from where the hair was harvested from.  So please let me know if you like the video or if you think it's useful information!

Hair Transplant Before and After Women | 1 Year (Monique)

This is Monique after 1 year of her transplant.  The result is amazing, So it was a very good decision she made so it is true that you don't need to live with traction alopecia.  Please let me know if you like this video!

Traction Alopecia | 4 Months Post HUE Method Female Hair Transplant (Mon...

This video is Monique after 4 months of her hair transplant, the results look amazing, but you always have to remember that we all have different types of hair and texture, therefore, the results may not be exactly the same.  Please leave a comment if you either like it or not!

Hair Transplant in Los Angeles - Best FUE Hair Restoration in Los Angeles

Traction Alopecia | Natural Hair Transplant | 12 Day Postop (Monique)

This Monique, 12 days after her transplant, the video is showing the suture line so have a look and let me know what you think by leaving a comment!

Sunday 25 March 2018

How Much Does a Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant Cost?

How Much Does a Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant Cost?

PRP Treatment for Hair Loss WORTH IT!? Experiences, Reults, Price

This video is an alternative video to hair transplant.  I think it is important to look around for other treatments before you make a decision. Please let me know if you like it!



In a recent survey, it was found that men fear losing their hair, either by it thinning, receding or by going bald completely, will make them unattractive in the eyes of others. It seems that lots of men worry about what others think about their hair loss. The survey revealed that men who have bald fathers tend to keep their own hair short, so that if the hair begins to fall out it wouldn't be such a shock to lose it all.
There are three general patterns of male pattern hair loss, and men can experience one of these patterns of hair loss or a mixture of all three:
Receding hairline
  • A receding hairline is one of the most common hair loss patterns, where the hair is lost at the temples, either side of the forehead, usually leaving a mound in the middle. This may sometimes be the only area of hair loss, but others may experience thinning at the crown as well.
Thinning crown
  • Some men will experience their hair thinning at the crown, which is at the back or top of the head. This can occur by itself or coincide with a receding hairline. Usually hair loss starts with thinning at the crown until the scalp becomes visible, and in time a bald patch may appear. This bald patch may grow wider until it meets the receding hairline, or it may stay at the top or back of the head and spread outwards in all directions to produce a circular baldness.

General thinning
  • General thinning spreads evenly over the top of the scalp, and men will not get a distinct receding hairline or a thinning crown. With general thinning, the onset of hair loss is less obvious and takes longer to notice.
One method of restoring hair to a follically challenged head is the FUE hair transplant technique. FUE involves taking healthy hair follicles from the scalp one by one and grafting them into the bald areas of the head. The surgeon transplants hair follicles into the same slot that contained previous hair, giving it a better chance of settling in permanently. This method of transplanting is very intricate and it requires special attention and care. This means the treatment is completed over a number of sessions and not performed in one long exhausting procedure. The grafts usually take in a few days and the redness caused by the treatment settles in under a week.
FUE hair transplants are very popular as:
  • They deliver more natural-looking results.
  • The treatment is less painful than other methods.
  • Downtime is minimal.
In most cases, once you receive the aesthetics, you'll only feel minimal discomfort during the procedure. With the FUE hair transplant technique, visible scarring on the scalp is negligible. FUE transplant procedures are less painful compared to earlier transplant treatments and they tend to produce more natural looking results.

Article Source:

Celebrity Hair Transplant Transformations! Why shaved head doesn´t suit ...

This video is another good one on hair transplant.  I just want you to look at different ideas because some people will have a transplant as a necessity but some people will have it for cosmetic reasons. So please let me know if you like this video or not!

How Many Hair Transplant GRAFTS Do You Need To Achieve Density?

This video is explaining about grafts you could have to achieve density in an area of the head.  So the video is very interesting and informative so you can understand the differences in hair transplant.  Please let me know if you like this video!

African American Hairline Restoration by Specialist Dr. Diep in Los Gato...

This video is explaining a little bit more about transplant on Afro hair type.  It's good because he shows that black curly hair is more challenging compared to straight hair and I believe that having studied the 3 different types of hair!  Please let me know if you like this video or not by leaving a comment!

Saturday 24 March 2018

Traction Alopecia Natural Hair Transplant | Thinning Hair Women (Linda)

This video is another woman who has decided to have a hair transplant.  It's amazing that her hair was restored.  It's also good to know that it's not a one day fix, but a long process, so please let me know what you think and good luck with whatever you decide to do!

Hair Loss Women | Best Hair Transplant Results - 1 Year (Tanya)

This is a year after Tanya had her transplant.  She is very happy with the results and it appears as if it was a great success!  However, you need to do a more thorough research if you are thinking to have one and how much it costs! Please leave a comment if you either like this video or not!

Best Female Hair Transplant Before and After | Hair Loss & Traction Alop...

This is Tanya 7 months after the transplant. She seems happy and she looks confident. Please let me know if you like the video or not!

Hair Transplant for Women Before and After - YouTube Video with Dr. Hue...

This video is very useful for women who are thinking of hair transplant for women with Afro hair.  However, you need to do a lot of research because knowledge is power!  Please let me know if you like this video or not by leaving a comment!

Friday 23 March 2018

Things I Wish I Knew Before Hair Transplant

This video is very good if you are planning to have a hair transplant.  It's always great to do a thorough research to make sure you make a good decision based on facts!  I wish you good luck and let me know if like this video!

Hair Loss Women | Best Hair Transplant Results - 1 Year (Tanya)

This is Tanya after a year since she had her hair transplant!  She is very happy with the results!  Please let me know if you like this video!

10 Reasons - Do Not Get A Hair Transplant

This video is very useful if you are thinking of having a hair transplant procedure.  It is important to do a lot of research yourself because it is a very important decision you are going to make for a long time!  Please let me know if you think this video is useful!


I hope you have enjoyed these cartoons! Please let me know!!

Thursday 22 March 2018

Onion Hair Oil - Fast Hair Regrowth. Onion prevent Hair Loss

This video has somw natyral remedies for either hair loss or growth!  So there is no need to have unhealthy hair because all the necessary ingrediates required for  hair growth is in your kitcken!  Please let me know if you like it!


It usually happens that a father starts losing his hair on his mid-twenties, and now his siblings are starting to experience the same around that time. If that sounds familiar, don't panic. Modern medicine and ancient wisdom can join together into effective hair regrowth treatments that will bring back your youth with an appealing new profile.
Hair regrowth treatments are not just a matter of fashion
Hair loss is not a new problem in humankind. Early in the year 1553 BC, the oldest medical text, called Ebers Papyrus, included a remedy for hair loss. Just imagine a mixture of onions, honey, iron oxide, alabaster, red lead, and fat from lions, snakes, and other animals. The remedy was to drink it after reciting a verse for the gods. After that early attempt, the Father of the Modern Medicine, Hippocrates, created another mixture that should be applied directly on the scalp.
Even the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was worried about his hair and used a hairstyle similar to the comb-over to cover his bald spot. No doubt men want to keep their hair, no matter how old they are, and there are plenty of modern methods to do so. Today's medicine and recent findings in the cosmetic industry finally brought some common sense to ancient remedies and turned them into regrowth treatment.
Today we have an entirely different approach on hair loss. We no longer need a verse or prayer to make our treatments work. Now we know exactly what is hair, what it needs to be stronger, and why people from the same family suffer from hair loss. With this knowledge, new vitamin supplements are made available, and keratin is becoming one of the most valuable tools for hair stylists and image consultants.
True science. True therapies. True results
The human body is covered with hair follicles, and most of them create such tiny hair fibers that nobody can see them. But some areas produce more thick hair, and they are especially abundant in the scalp. Hair fibers are complex and have several layers of cells and protein. One of these layers is named cortex and contains abundant keratin bundles that give bright and strength to each strand. This is why keratin supplement products are being used to keep the hair's strength and bright. One of them is the Ultrax Labs Hair Rush DHT Blocking Hair Loss Maxx Hair Growth Nutrient Solubilized Keratin Supplement, which also contains researched vitamins, minerals and herbs formulated to keep your hair's health.
On the other hand, the hair follicle is the one responsible for hair growth. It contains the hair bulb and cells that build together the hair filaments. Different nutrients are vital for hair follicles to function as they should. However, many different things may affect them, and two of them are genetics and hormones. These cases might be complicated to treat, but modern medicine can fix it by controlling the action of testosterone in hair follicles. Such a treatment is usually expensive and requires a follow-up by specialists.
However, many people would agree the first line treatment should be natural. What if you start spending too much money on drugs and all you needed was easier to find in food? In this regard, a combination of a healthy diet along with supplements may be what you need for a natural hair regrowth treatment. But before starting any of them, it might be a good idea to consult your physician to make sure you receive the right amount based on your needs. What nutrients should we look for to grow healthy, thick and bright hair?
Important vitamins and supplements for your hair
Hair follicles are composed of many different cells, and their structure and function are complex. However, research has detected that many vitamins might be mainly involved in hair growth. Biotin, a water-soluble vitamin part of the vitamin B subgroup, gives additional strength to your hair. Sometimes skin flakes get in the way of hair follicles and block hair growth. Products formulated with biotin can keep the scalp free of flakes and promote hair growth. Folic acid is also a part of the B vitamin complex, and it helps your body create proteins. Considering that your hair is full of them, it is reasonable that insufficient folic acid would cause hair growth problems and an unhealthy grayish color. Not appealing, definitely.
Vitamin C is also essential for hair growth. Hair follicles can suffer bruising in their surroundings, and this results in corkscrew hair, easily broken. Vitamin C is an immune system booster and a very important antioxidant that will reduce damage to the skin and the hair follicle. No more damage, no more broken hairs. No wonder people who suffer from malnutrition tend to have dull and easily broken hair. If you want a great hairstyle, remember nutrition is your first ally. And supplements are always available to give you an extra push when nutritious foods are not easily accessible.
What is the best Treatment for Re-growing Hair for Men Naturally?
Another powerful antioxidant is Vitamin E. The same as Vitamin C; it helps to fight off the damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidant vitamins are imperative in a hair regrowth treatment. People who suffer from hair loss usually have lower concentrations of antioxidants in their scalp. This results in more oxidative damage to the skin that would block hair growth afterward. Once again, reducing damage to the skin and hair follicle would allow the growth of new healthy hair to show off during the next night out.
Finally, other Vitamins are linked to a healthy hair, such as Vitamin D and Vitamin A. A deficiency in both nutrients leads to a pattern of hair loss and dry hair. Deficiency is not common but should be taken into consideration in some distinct cases. Vitamin D, for instance, might be necessary in supplements for people who live in countries far from the earth's equator. And Vitamin A is usually deficient in many developing countries or in cases of malabsorption.
Mineral deficiency, on the other hand, may be another cause of hair loss. Iron, Zinc and Iodine have been reported as significant contributors to hair strength. Iron deficiency causes anemia, and many people with this condition also have a poor hair health. Many have seen better results with regrowth treatments when iron supplements and foods are added to the diet. Therefore, a good supplement for hair loss would need to contain vitamins and also minerals to provide a full range of action.
Zinc deficiency is also a known cause of hair loss. Many researchers think that people with alopecia have problems using the available zinc from their bodies, or have low concentrations in their blood. Increasing zinc from the diet or through supplementation is a good way to prevent this as a cause of hair loss. Finally, iodine is essential for hair growth because it's closely related to the proper function of the thyroid hormones. Thyroid problems are behind many cases of hair loss, and increasing iodine concentrations with sea vegetables or supplements might also bring back your hair's health.
You may find all of these vitamins and minerals on many different products, but not every one of them are formulated for hair loss. Ultra Labs Hair Rush has 20 vitamins, minerals, and herbs that will serve as nutrients for your follicle and grown hair. This product takes into consideration the science behind hair growth and the root causes of hair loss and joins the top researched ingredients for a natural regrowth treatment.
Herbs for hair growth: Science or myth?
Seems like talking about herbs brings us back to the first recorded treatment for hair loss, from ancient history. However, science facts have turned many grandma's remedies into substantial therapies. This is the case of Gotu kola, a native plant from the Ayurveda medicine that has been used for thousands of years for hair loss and other conditions. Recent research demonstrates that Gotu kola increases hair density and length in rats, making it an excellent choice for supplementation. Other herbs such as nettle leaves are also used for hair regrowth treatments, and many users have reported much success with it.
Ultra Labs Hair Rush is a product that combines vitamins, minerals, and herbs used to treat alopecia and hair loss. Hair Rush contains no drugs, and it is a completely natural and safe product that may become your first line treatment before trying more specialized and expensive options. By using it, you don't need to count your vitamins and minerals requirements anymore. Hair Rush also provides a solubilized keratin supplement that provides the building blocks for the proteins in your hair.
Many people say bald men look masculine, but if that is not your case, don't quit natural solutions just yet. You might feel frustrated with your comb-over, you might be noticing your hair falling this morning. But maybe a natural hair regrowth treatment will be the key to bring back a younger appearance to your looks.

Article Source:

5 Foods That Reverse Hair Loss in No Time – Must Try These Things

This video has very good foods to eat to solve hair loss problems, I have not tried these good for hair loss as yet but you need to try them if you have a hair loss problem because you never know unless you try!  Please let me know if you like this video! 


I hope you a jolly good laugh!! please let me know! 

Wednesday 21 March 2018

DIY Ginger Hair Mask for extreme hair growth | Promote Hair Growth

Hair loss is a huge problem in men and women so this video will be useful because ginger could just be the answer.  My advice is that you should never wait until the situation worsens.  Always check to make sure that you are not loosing hair whenever you are combing or brushing it.  If you are loosing more that 150 hairs a day, that means you are loosing hair by either shedding or breaking!  So always try to maintain healthy hair and try these tips because they are natural anywhere!..  Please let me know if you like this video!

Grow Long Hair, 100% Natural Hair Loss Treatment, Cure Baldness, Remove ...

Here is another video about hair loss.  This one is very good because she gives you an explaination of  what hair loss is and the causes using pictures and images. Please let me know if you like it or not!


A table with garlic cloves

Hair loss is essentially unnatural; it’s a sign of a deficiency or imbalance in the body. So it makes sense that some natural foods can help restore optimum hair health. In this article, I’m going to answer the question: Does garlic help with hair loss?
In a study from 2007 scientists investigated garlic’s effects on hair loss. They found that garlic applied topically to the scalp beat the control group proving that it does have a positive effect on hair.
In this article I’ll review the overall health benefits of garlic, you’ll learn more about the study and all other research into garlic related to hair. You’ll also learn about the best way to incorporate garlic into your hair care routine.

What Is Garlic?

This bulbous plant, closely related to the onion (learn more about using onion juice for hair loss here), has a strong, pungent odour and spicy, heated taste that’s used around the world, both in cooking and in medicine.
The plant, native to central Asia, has been part of human history for centuries. It is used extensively in the Mediterranean, and is a staple seasoning across the globe.
Aside from its incredible seasoning abilities (in the form of whole cloves, flakes, powder, and oil), garlic has also long been admired for its medicinal uses. From its anti-inflammatory effects to its immune boosting capabilities, it’s no wonder that garlic is used twice as much as other common, household supplements. 
For example, garlic contains anti-microbial properties, which means it’s effective at battling bacteria, viruses, fungus, and parasites. The use of garlic, then, can be used to prevent the natural buildup that occurs on your scalp, and leave you with healthier hair follicles and skin.  Another health benefit for those who are struggling with hair loss is garlic’s anti-inflammatory effects. The application of garlic can help to reduce the inflammation and irritation that’s sometimes present with hair loss, and nourish the follicles.

Garlic for Hair Loss: The Science Behind It

In 2007, scientists performed a double-blind study on individuals suffering from alopecia areata. Forty patients were split into two groups of 20. Both groups received a twice-daily application of betamethasone cream 0.1%, a corticosteroid commonly used for swelling, itching, and general irritation associated with a number of skin conditions.One group, however, was also treated with an odourless 5% garlic gel which was combined with their betamethasone cream.

The results? Well, they speak for themselves.

As is shown in the above table, individuals who received a combination of the betamethasone cream and garlic gel saw, on average, a 1.5cm2 reduction in patch size. The placebo group, however, only saw a 0.4cm2 reduction in patch size over the course of the study. As you may have noticed, this particular study focused on individuals with alopecia areata, and you may be asking yourself, “how does this scientific study relate to male-pattern baldness?” Simply put, while alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia (male-pattern baldness) are caused by different factors, the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of garlic can still be beneficial for those suffering from male-pattern baldness. The truth is, the mechanism behind garlic’s hair growing powers are still unknown, but the health benefits associated with the consumption and supplementation of garlic are indisputable.

Are There Side Effects Associated With Garlic Supplementation?

While garlic is a food that’s regularly consumed around the world, there are a few circumstances in which garlic consumption and supplementation may lead to unpleasant side effects. For example, individuals with digestive problems, bleeding disorders, or low blood sugar are advised to take caution when supplementing, as garlic can cause a further digestive upset, increase the risk of bleeding, and cause dangerously low blood sugar. For women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, regular consumption should be safe, but application to the skin and supplementary consumption may be unsafe and is, therefore, best to be avoided. Garlic supplements should be stopped at least 2 weeks prior to surgery, even in individuals with no known blood disorders, so as to avoid risk of prolonged or excessive bleeding.

When applying to the skin, raw garlic is known to cause irritation similar to a burn.

Lastly, while uncommon, an allergic reaction is possible. If you suspect an intolerance or allergy to garlic, avoid consumption and application. If you’re experiencing symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as hives, nausea, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat, seek immediate medical attention.

How to Use Garlic for Hair Growth

Whether you’d like to increase your consumption and supplementation of garlic for hair growth, or you’re convinced that garlic is a beneficial supplement for all-around health, then the below ideas will help you to incorporate garlic into your regular routine.  

Apply Directly to the Scalp

If you’re looking to avoid over-complicated recipes and simply want to add garlic to your regular hair care routine with no bells and whistles, then applying garlic oil directly to the scalp may be the method that’s right for you.

The process is simple: cut a clove of garlic into two and rub directly onto the scalp. This no-fuss method is the easiest one out there, and it only takes a matter of minutes.

It’s important to note that raw garlic can have a burning effect, and overuse can lead to skin sensitivity and irritation.  Apply It As a Paste.

For people suffering from male-pattern baldness, this is an easy way to target areas of hair loss.

As a general precaution, it’s a good idea to test this paste on a small patch of skin prior to applying to your scalp.

Garlic paste can be made simply and cheaply at home, and all it requires is two ingredients: fresh garlic and olive oil. I also like to add ginger to help boost circulation to the scalp.

3-Step Garlic/Ginger Paste
Peel and crush the garlic and ginger
Add the crushed garlic, along with olive oil, to a food processor
Blend the mix until completely blended and no chunks or lumps are present.



That’s it, it really is that easy! In terms of measurements, 1 TBSP of olive oil to 1 clove of garlic should suffice, but as clove sizes vary, feel free to use more or less olive oil until the paste is to your liking.

Apply the paste and leave it on overnight, and then rinse away and wash with your favourite shampoo in the morning.

Add It To Your Diet

You probably already consume garlic on a regular basis, but if you’re looking to up your intake, there are a few simple adjustments you can make.

First, if the taste of garlic is not your favourite, consider supplementing with a garlic tablet. This is also a great option for individuals who regularly suffer from heartburn or general digestive upset.

Of course, garlic can also be easily added to your favorite recipes. Mince garlic and add to salad, soup, chicken dishes, and rice. Or, roast an entire bulb of garlic and enjoy the sweet, spicy cloves as a snack or complement to your main dish.


As the body of research surrounding garlic and hair loss treatment continues to grow, it becomes more and more obvious that garlic can play a role in hair growth.

While more research needs to be done, particularly on human subjects, you can still benefit from the plethora of health benefits related to garlic as mentioned above.


Hair loss is a huge problem for both men and women.  The more we talk about it the better!  I hope this article will be of some use to you! Please let me know!